Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by Heatguts October 11th 2015, 1:11 pm

Kind of late now that the beta is almost over, but if you played it, what are your thoughts on it? What did you think of the star card system? Were there any op weapons? Does the cyclic rifle just sound like the sniper rifle from H2A or was it a direct rip? Was the survival mission easy or way too easy? What do you think should be improved, added, etc until release?

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Post by Mootjuh October 11th 2015, 2:43 pm

Why do the weapons have no recoil?

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by General_101 October 11th 2015, 3:28 pm

Mootjuh wrote:Why do the weapons have no recoil?
Because they are energy weapons? I imagine a weapon that does not need to use some sort of force to fire a projectile would have little to no recoil.

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by JaggyNos October 11th 2015, 4:43 pm

I have seen a TON of backlash toward this game. People are saying that it's a simplified version of Battlefront, the guns are stupid, Imperials always win, et cetera. While many of the things they have said have been true, I still find the game a lot of fun.

The combat is pretty fast-paced and fun, and I do kind of like the objectives in Walker Assault. I do admit that it there is not much (or rather any, for that matter) freedom in completing the objectives, which I think was present in the previous Battlefield games. I'm still not sure how I feel about the lack of classes, though. I think I may prefer the class system from Battlefront 1 and 2 than the lack thereof in EA's Battlefront. At the same time, however, I do not really like the ability pick-up system. I always need an orbital strike as a Rebel, but I can never get one. I do really like the system in Halo 5, where you can spend points that you get from kills on special ordinance; that might work really well in Battlefront. One thing I really like is how you these little battles between two players on opposite sides of the map can form. The ttk might be a little too low, but the long range battles are especially fun because of that.

While the gameplay needs to be worked on, the audio and visuals are absolutely astounding! When I'm playing and then Darth Vader shows up, and the theme plays, sometimes I get chills. And then there are awesome moments, like when a group of Rebels gets killed with an explosion, and then their bodies go flying in the air and music is playing in the background. I really do think that DICE nailed the atmosphere for this game.

A few other things: the inability to choose your spawn point is horrible. There are times when all I can do is rack up deaths, since the enemies just kill me as soon as I spawn. Not to mention, I would really like some continuity where I spawn, but only if I get to choose. Otherwise, the issue with span killing rises up again. Playing the beta only strengthens the argument for a server browser, as well. There have been too many games where the teams are too lop-sided, and a server browser would help fix that tremendously.

All in all, I really am enjoying it, but I'm still not sure if I'll buy the game. My biggest concern is that there might not be enough content to justify the $60 price tag. There are a lot more game modes, and hopefully a lot more maps, but we have yet to see battles and the missions really are not that fun. The game might not also survive for very long. Just look at Titanfall: it was a prefectly good game, but lack of content and a few other issues killed it before long. I will be waiting to see some reviews after it releases to decide whether I'll buy it or not. Even then, I'll probably just wait until it goes on sale.

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by Heatguts October 11th 2015, 7:29 pm

Yeah. The weapons probably don't have recoil because in the original battlefronts they didn't have recoil, and as a spiritual successor, they should be copying the good parts and fixing the mediocre/bad. The switch from clip-based weapons to entirely cooldown weapons surprised me a tad, but I think it works well with the game. Compared to BF2, infantry combat is more exciting, star cards add a lot of neat things previously locked behind point barriers and even then limited what weapons you'd end up with, the graphics are obviously better, and there's a lot more dumb, cheap cross-map deaths from space fighters, vehicles, turrets, and the cyclic rifle.

Personally I'm a fan of the star cards system. My few complaints with BF2 included having jetpacks and jumppacks limited to soldiers that couldn't use the blaster rifle. This system fixes it greatly, and having infinite nades on a cooldown is a brilliant idea. I'm a little annoyed thermal detonators no longer stick to vehicles, but it's not that bad.

I'm also a tad worried about content. Perhaps the game won't have enough maps, although I think it has enough modes by the look of the menus, or perhaps the few maps we're provided with will provide enough diversity and replayability that we won't mind. It'll probably come down to how long it takes to unlock all the star cards and diorama pieces.

The spawns are definitely horrible though, at least in walker assault. In drop zone I'm always on my toes since the spawns seem to rotate randomly.

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by RockMetal&Time October 11th 2015, 8:18 pm

This game excels SPLENDIDLY at the visuals and sound department + it Added new features to the Core of the Gameplay, that gives you a fun balanced overall great game...

But it lacks all the features and stuff that made the original amazing - Space battles,Vehicles,Spawnpoints,Expansive map content, Campaign,Galactic Conquest.etc

Wait a second did I just describe Halo 5?

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by Heatguts October 11th 2015, 10:22 pm

Things that made the original amazing? Strafing down the command bridge on the cis ship in my bomber, landing in their hangar and shooting all their pilots, 1-man capping all the cps, getting so many ai kills that my score reads almost 400 but my kill count reads 4, doing the jedi assault glitch where you force jump with yoda or jetpack with jango or boba fett up to the triangle building and walking on the invisible platform until you go into an endless falling animation 10 or 20 times because it does all sorts of wacky stuff to the game - most notably making everyone spawn as either han solo or boba fett iirc.

I don't think Halo 5 has any of that.

SWBF2's campaign was just voiceover before a regular multiplayer conquest match, with subtle variations here and there. My favorite campaign mission was the battle over coruscant because there were like 3 republic ships and 2 cis flagships and it was so cool to fly up and down and all around them. Galactic conquest was nice but just annoying whenever you lost rather than rewarding when you won as it was just regular instant action. It did have the benefit of being able to buy one other class of trooper and force half your guys to be snipers or heavies or something silly like that. And heroes - though you didn't list them - were cool the first time around but ultimately rather boring to play as and some of them were severely underpowered (like all the blaster-wielding characters) although hero assault was a ton of fun, admittedly. My favorite thing to do was usually turn the reinforcement count up all the way, turn off heroes, and play mos eisly because it always turned into a meat grinder in certain places and was lots of fun. Most of the maps were pretty good but a few were really one sided and hard to win against (ahem polis massa) and if you were facing a team with natural ai native species backing them up you were going to be hard pressed to find the last 1 or 2 ai hiding in some back corner of the map while the natives pound your ai team into pulp.

In retrospect, the gunplay was actually really bad, you never seemed to have the right weapon sometimes and if you saw a droideka as a clone without 10 grenades or a rocket launcher you were pretty screwed. Battlefront is here to fix most of those problems, and add their own spin onto it. They're taking out a lot, but hopefully the fixes they make and the things they add in will make it an equal or better game.

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Post by Neesy October 12th 2015, 7:19 am

The star card system feels too rock paper scissors imo but, it's better than having to scavenge for ammo when you're on a 10 kill streak.

Also is nobody going to mention how bad Vader's voice acting is lol?...

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by SilentGamer64 October 12th 2015, 1:43 pm

^ Vader's voice acting is extremely disappointing. I think the first two battlefronts actually used dialog straight from the movies, which was cool.

Honestly, it seems like most of the complaints are coming from people who were expecting a Battlefront 3. But I'm pretty sure EA avoided slapping the "3" on the title because it's not really a sequel as much as it's a reboot.

I understand people are upset about the lack of space battles (including me), but let's also not forget that only BF2 had space battles. BF1 was strictly planetary battles with in-atmosphere air combat, which is exactly what the new game is doing. Assuming they're going to continue making BF games, I wouldn't be surprised if they added space battles into the next game once they get feedback on what people want/expect from the base gameplay that this game provides.

The star card system is nice for adding a little more variety to spawning instead of being committed to one unit with one set of weapons, but I also liked how the old BF's class system gave each playable unit a role in the battlefield (support, sniper, assault, cqc, etc). Giving everyone a pocket sniper isn't exactly encouraging players to commit to a sniping role. And yes, it sounds almost exactly like the Halo anniversary sniper.

OP weapons? Nothing that I can really think of. Vehicles were surprisingly balanced as well, and even though thermal detonators don't stick anymore, the ion grenade basically explodes on contact with enemy vehicles and does massive damage. I used to think the ATAT's were OP, until I got my *** handed to me by the rebels when they somehow managed to get 6 or 7 bombers to attack the walkers and then blasted like 3 orbital strikes on them for massive damage. Our first ATAT was dead by the end of the second round, and our other one was at like 50% health. Everything seemed very balanced. Also, I FRIGGIN LOVE THE PROJECTILES! Nothing is more satisfying than leading your target for a kill. It makes everything a little harder to use, but also more rewarding. Yeah, there's some aim assist, but it will never be as ridiculous as the first two games.

The horde mode they had was interesting, but not something I see myself playing often. It probably seemed easy because "normal" difficulty was the only difficulty available for the beta. I'm also a little confused as to why they were able to implement enemy AI into a survival mode, but not MM. I'm hoping for a more classic style deathmatch mode with a ticket system (hell, Battlefield has been doing this for years now) and plenty of AI to grind off of. If there's one complaint I have about the star card system, it's the fact that it took way too long to get equipment that other people already had and were using against you.

I'm assuming you'll be able to customize your character's appearance to look like other unit ranks later on. I was also confused on why all the rebels were female at one point, but I'm assuming that can also be toggled when the game releases.

Overall I enjoyed the game and can't wait to get my hands on it this November.

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by Heatguts October 12th 2015, 7:58 pm

The complaints I have with the general game's direction would be lack of focus on modes with ai and the small map pool. It's definitely a reboot, not a sequel, most obviously seen by dice's choice to abandon the format shared by its predecessors and that dice themselves have had plenty of experience designing for. I am a little disappointed on the lack of singleplayer, not necessarily campaign as the campaign in the second game was a thinly disguised voiced-over instant action match, but on the lack of instant action itself as that is what kept me playing the game so long trying to net a 10 k/d and get all the weapons besides the rocket launcher to legendary. And regardless of the amount of maps bf1 or 2 had, 4 or 5 maps is alarmingly low for any fps, especially considering that hoth was essentially two lanes you could shoot between at times and the last section was just one giant mess.

As far as the sniper goes and dedicated classes, using that pocket sniper takes up a spot you could put a jetpack or grenade in. In the full release I'm sure there'll be a dedicated sniper rifle for your primary weapon slot, but the way they have it now isn't too bad. Rather than encourage sniping, your lack of a jump pack or grenade disencourages rushing and playing very offensively. Ultimately while using the rifle I played a lot less offensively whether my second gadget was the jump pack or a grenade. Battlefront's classes were too unflexible in my opinion and if you were geared for infantry combat and saw a tank you were pretty helpless and vice versa (unless you picked up the precision pistol, in which case you had a fair chance). The class-specific weapons like the geonosian cannon for the imp officer and the arc caster for the dark trooper weren't very good imo and I almost never played those classes (I did play dark trooper for the jetpack though once I got legendary pistol award status.)

I didn't notice to much op either. I almost prefered playing drop zone though because of the complete absence of cross-map snipes from the other lane, getting mowed down from behind, spawning and getting grenaded or instantly killed, getting strafed from the air, getting killed by the atat or atst and getting killed by turrets. As far as the atat goes, I seemed to win 50/50 as rebels and twice we won before the third segment. It took me forever to figure out that snowspeeders were towcabling walkers too, I'd be a snowtrooper and my walker would be at 50 health and I'd turn around and back again and we'd lose and my walker would just be sitting there on the ground. The two times I got to actually fly a snowspeeder I was spawnkilled due to the snowspeeder's terrible speed and dodging abilities.

My guess would be that the MM is cover based and the ai just run out into the open, stop, then try to spray you down in bursts. That kind of tactic would look really silly on hoth, when in MM you have to watch the other lane for snipers and ahead of you for advances and behind you for people with jump packs or the other lane was just empty and they've walked all the way around. The rank-based unlocks were pretty dumb, always have been and always will be, just give us our currency and let us put it where we please EA.

I enjoyed it too, although not enough to make me buy it on launch day. I'm eager to hear more about the undiscussed battles mode though, hopefully it'll be a suitable replacement for instant action.

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by SilentGamer64 October 13th 2015, 11:14 am

Something else I'm curious about. Do you people use 1st or 3rd person when playing? I honestly can't play battlefront unless I'm playing in 3rd person, but I know EA was pushing for people to use 1st person when they made it default in the beta.

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by Neesy October 13th 2015, 2:15 pm

SilentGamer64 wrote:Something else I'm curious about. Do you people use 1st or 3rd person when playing? I honestly can't play battlefront unless I'm playing in 3rd person, but I know EA was pushing for people to use 1st person when they made it default in the beta.

Many people say a big problem atm is that there's no drawbacks from using 3rd person, and many positives over 1st person (e.g: bigger FoV). Most people be using 3rd.

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by Heatguts October 13th 2015, 5:50 pm

I played first person in bf2 even though it sucked because I like being the stormtrooper rather than playing as one. It's especially cool once you get the hang of first person jetpacks. Needless to say I played entirely first person in the beta, but it's less of a familiarity thing and more of an immersion thing.

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion Empty Re: Star Wars Battlefront Beta discussion

Post by SilentGamer64 October 13th 2015, 7:31 pm

Neesy wrote:
SilentGamer64 wrote:Something else I'm curious about. Do you people use 1st or 3rd person when playing? I honestly can't play battlefront unless I'm playing in 3rd person, but I know EA was pushing for people to use 1st person when they made it default in the beta.

Many people say a big problem atm is that there's no drawbacks from using 3rd person, and many positives over 1st person (e.g: bigger FoV). Most people be using 3rd.

I think 3rd person might sacrifice some of your accuracy for that extra FOV since your camera is looking at enemies from further away. If it doesn't, it should. Just to make it a bit more balanced between both views. Maybe aim assist could also be reduced for 3rd person?

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