so 9 months later and......

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so 9 months later and...... Empty so 9 months later and......

Post by johnny123445 July 3rd 2015, 7:37 pm

its been about nine months since your October update(give or take) and i have only seen website updates oh wait and heard incredible sound tracks. But wheres the actual in game content that we all want to see? I'm talking game play footage even if its still in alpha stages..after like three years. Also more screenshots and clips of characters in the game. I mean all im trying to say is that its been a while since your last update and I know there are plenty of forums like this one; and I'm probably just gonna get the same response others have gotten in the past" they have a limited team working on the project and not all their time goes into developing the game" or "we've had set backs with the cry engine again" and then people will be like " dude they're working their butts off for this game give them some time" well you've had time and plenty of it. A little less than three years or around that i dont really know, but its been a long time! And I don't think the 3D artists, coders, cinematic crew, game developers, the whole lot of them are pulling their weight. And what i mean by that is we have had a lot of updates to the website, I'd almost say improvements, and fantastic sound tracks that should seamlessly fit in with the game. The website fans have only seen these things, there maybe more going on in the back( probably is) but we don't know. Boiling down to my real point: I'm a little concerned about the future this game holds. Will it ever make beta? OR will it die long before that moment? So give me shit for this, I don't really care, because the die hard fans are really too immature to see past next week, but I could take a guess of what will happen in the next coming months, or should I say wont happen. That is more fans posting minuscule forums about details, for example damage textures, minecraft servers, more character customization forums, and more crap about twitter accounts and how someone found someone on something. Who gives one fkn shit about that! But yeah, what are the developers really doing with this project. and one more thing, its summer, and most of the developers I've heard are going to college or some school. So you  should be off right now, and maybe working more with the project. Putting more hours into it. Yo anyway Im out. I just wait to see how you guys react to all of this. And Heatguts is gay. IRL

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so 9 months later and...... Empty Re: so 9 months later and......

Post by johnny123445 July 3rd 2015, 8:14 pm

oh and why would we want to play this game when there is going to be a free alternative soon. HALO ONLINE!! its a closed beta russian halo port. 343 has confirmed it for testing, and theres some videos of it online. just check this out

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so 9 months later and...... Empty Re: so 9 months later and......

Post by General_101 July 3rd 2015, 9:30 pm

Halo Online is a terrible alternative. I would go buy NSA startup kit Xbox One before touching that horrendous Frankenstein monster of a game. You and others should be ashamed to even consider that thing a Halo title. Even if we don't have Halo on PC have some fucking standards.

To your second point about Contingency why do you care? You just made a statement of a "great" alternative that is Halo Online so if you are still wondering about this then it really sends some conflicting messages about that greatness. You didn't put a coin into any slot, hand out some cash or break some sweat for this. The developers don't own you their time to work on the game to show you progress. If they want to show something then let them and if not then move on. If you are unsatisfied with the progress of this project then go make your own or something. Better yet, go help Halo Online to not use a shitty service to play online and not be technically illegal to have. (Unless you are talking about the official game which you probably are. That's honestly even lower than Eldorito.

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so 9 months later and...... Empty Re: so 9 months later and......

Post by DreuxPhoenix July 3rd 2015, 9:46 pm

Take out the micro transactions and replace them with just plain and simple credits we had in Reach, and make Halo Online international. Upside: a Proper Halo Title by Today's Standards. Downside: Project: Contingency sits in the shadows, only to be played by forum members that remember her grace!

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so 9 months later and...... Empty Re: so 9 months later and......

Post by johnny123445 July 3rd 2015, 10:00 pm

Yeah a statement with a point. You guys don't realize the void that your being sucked into. Its a bottomless one and it won't ever spit out results. And Halo Online is a work in progress. and of course the service is going to be terrible its only supposed to be for Russian games right now. And we were lucky enough to have talented modders to help us get the game. So its not gonna run as well as it could. And also your forgetting one thING. ITS IN BETA! Also its free to play. What other Halo game has been Free to play and on pc, with stunning graphics. None( Halo Custome edition doesnt count because you have to buy the origina Halo Combat Evolved) And all F2P games have micro transactions its just something gamers have to get over. And no im am bound by no standards, and neither are any Halo PC seeking gamers.

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so 9 months later and...... Empty Re: so 9 months later and......

Post by DatGuyYouKnow July 3rd 2015, 10:15 pm

I don't know maybe i have some god damn patience? What void am i possibly being sucked into hmm? Contingency was the first to surface with potential and i followed it. It's not like anyone is fully committing themselves to a contingency cult waiting to suck the nectar of the gods. I waited years for a halo pc game to come out i can wait for contingency but it's not like im going to be tapping my foot the whole time like you are, contingency is the project you look at and go "huh cool" then come back to it a few years later to see whats going on I have things to do. You don't own the devs and there ethics and they don't owe you anything they didn't ask you to be over hyped nor is it there fault.

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so 9 months later and...... Empty Re: so 9 months later and......

Post by midnightspro July 4th 2015, 12:36 am

Games take a extremely long time to make, look all the way back in 2013 when Halo 5 was announced, they legit didn't show anything about it till the next year, 12 months.

The devs are pretty active it seems like, especially R93 Sniper on the forums, these devs you have to remember don't get paid, have school and real life work.

343i devs get paid to make their games and it took them a year to show anything else for Halo 5

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so 9 months later and...... Empty Re: so 9 months later and......

Post by R93_Sniper July 4th 2015, 7:04 am

Let me put a few things in your way before you start to rant on and on to the point that I stop caring.

First off, I remember you very well as one of those people who would make posts on this very forum such as the "I found such and such on such and such" or "Armor customization!!!!!!!" all over (I actually remember a specific one where you just brought something I tweeted to the attention of the forum as a whole). You giving those kinds of remarks makes you nothing more than a hypocrite.

Secondly, Halo Online is currently Russian only with plans to be brought into Europe. Everything being done with ElDorito/ElDewrito is of shady legality at best, and as a result wont be discussed here. While it is up to each individual user to enjoy a game on their own terms, Halo Online is probably nothing more than a slap to the face to PC gamers given the way it is right now.

Thirdly, We owe you literally nothing. We have no explicit deadlines to meet (even though we set our own), and are only doing this for the reason that we can. We're working to make a game that we feel works well as a game that we all grew up (or are still growing up) with. Sure we intend to make it also work well as a title that can have some endless replay value, but we're literally doing this more for ourselves than for anybody else.

Fourthly, we do not show the public everything. At the time of the trailer that was shown on CE3, there was a lot debating and setup that had to be done into what went where. By the time the October update came by, we had more than 20 gigabytes of data in our game files. Even now the amount of work we've done is actually quite impressive considering how tied our hands are in terms of what we have to work with. We hand pick and select things that are still works in progress that we believe would showcase some of the better works we have.

Finally, If you honestly thought it was so easy, why haven't you done something on par or better to what we've done yet? Is there any explicit reason why you haven't tried to complete the game in the time its taken us to get as far as we have? Any reason why you haven't released a game yet? If you're really willing to so harshly berate us for trying to get our game in a situation where we can be proud to show it off, then you should be willing to at the VERY LEAST challenge us with something so tangible. You claim it shouldn't be taking so long, prove it.

I'm more willing to lock this thread just because im sure you're going to try to make more Halo Online related comments, which I will by no means tolerate. However at the same time this is a thread which is seriously pointless in any and all aspects except to berate, so I'm going to lock this and toss it into the commons, because quite frankly I have no tolerance for this kind of shit.

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so 9 months later and...... Empty Re: so 9 months later and......

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